Page 104 - Pressplus
P. 104
promotional giveaways
102-20724 Rectangular Alloy Injection Keyring
102-07188 Wishbone Trolley Coin Giving a classic personalised promotional
giveaway a modern twist, the rectangular alloy
Iron stamped soft enamel trolley coin infilled injection keyrings with a full colour printed decal
in one spot colour of soft enamel to one are hard to beat. Branded with a logo or bespoke
side. Nickel plated. Supplied with an unique design, keyrings are an ideal business gift for
wishbone die cast nickel holder. Split ring fitting.
advertising a company or product in showrooms
Size: 23.43 x 2.8mm diameter or at exhibitions, trade fairs and events.
102-04159 Soft Enamel Trolley Coin Print area: 22 x 22mm Size: 25 x 45mm
Iron stamped soft enamel trolley coin infilled in Colours: Pantone matched Print area: 20.2 x 35.5mm
one spot colour of soft enamel to one side. Nickel Guide Price: 250 £2.19
plated C-22 standard trigger clip and split ring Colours:
Guide Price: 100 £2.61
Size: 23.43 x 2.8mm diameter
Print area: 22 x 22mm
Colours: Pantone matched
Guide Price: 250 £0.75
102-43643 100% Recycled Pop Coin Trolley Keyring
Brandable coin that neatly "pops" in and out for use.
The coin and the holder are both brandable to 2 sides.
102-42526 Round Alloy Injection Keyring Supplied with split ring and connector fitting. Made in the
UK available in rHIPS.b (biodegradable) or 100% recycled 102-20723 Square Alloy Injection Keyring
Giving a classic personalised promotional
giveaway a modern twist, our rectangular plastic and digitally printed in full colour as standard. Giving a classic personalised promotional
alloy injection keyrings with a full colour Size: 46 x 31mm giveaway a modern twist the square alloy
printed decal are hard to beat. Branded Print area: 46 x 31mm injection keyrings with a full colour printed decal
with a logo or bespoke design, keyrings Colours: are hard to beat. Branded with a logo or bespoke
are an ideal business gift for advertising a design, keyrings are an ideal business gift for
company or product in showrooms or at Guide Price: 500 £1.07 advertising a company or product in showrooms
exhibitions, trade fairs and events. or at exhibitions, trade fairs and events.
Size: 32 x 65mm Size: 31 x 65mm
Print area: 29.75mm diameter Print area: 25.7 x 25.5mm
Colours: Colours:
Guide Price: 100 £3.04 Guide Price: 100 £2.63
102-28565 Trolley Coin Keyring
Made from recycled plastic or our rHIPS.b 102-44535 Pop Coin Keyring Lite
plastic. A brandable coin on one or both 102-38058 Bamboo Keyrings Made from recycled plastic or our rHIPS.b
sides. Coin digitally printed CMYK as UK manufactured caramel finish bamboo plastic.The pop-out coin is brandable on one
standard. Supplied with a lobster clip fitting. keyrings. Laser engraved to one side only. or both sides. Coin digitally printed CMYK
Size: 23mm diameter 5mm thick and can be any shape or size up to as standard. Supplied with a split-ring and
Print area: 21mm diameter 50x50mm. Supplied with metal jump and split connector fitting.
ring. Satin wood oil finish.
Colours: Size: 31 x 36mm
Size: 50 x 50mm Print area: 21mm diameter
Guide Price: 500 £0.57
Print area: all over Colours:
Colours: Guide Price: 500 £0.64
Guide Price: 50 £2.20
Unless stated, prices include personalisation in one colour, one position. Origination, carriage and VAT are extra.
Please contact our sales team for an up to date and accurate quotation on your chosen products.